Thank you for showing up. That is what we need right now. Keep showing up. I tend to be a little superstitious from time to time, and yesterday’s laser focus on Idaho by the United States Department of Justice, followed by SO MANY KANSANS voting “no!” I feel strongly that we are in the right place tonight.

On the evening of September 18, 2020, Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. I had dread in my heart in that moment.

We got the vote only 100 years ago

Roe v wade was only 49 years ago

The equal rights amendment? It STILL has never passed. We do not have one.

When the supreme court leak took place early this summer, I remembered when RBG died. This is what we all feared would happen that night.

We are taking away safe and affordable access to abortion. We have lost our constitutional right to safe, private health care and why? Do not believe for a moment this is about babies. And here is where I am going to talk a bit more:
This is about women- not as people- but as the providers of a domestic supply of infants. This is about MEN controlling US with THEIR religious beliefs. This is about taking away rights, freedoms, peace of mind, and well-being of women and people who can become pregnant in order to make us dependent on them for everything.

This is not about babies and children. If it was, we would see funded pre-k-12, Free breakfast and lunch would be universal, we would have paid maternity and paternity leave, higher minimum wages, affordable housing and childcare, non predatory property taxes, schools that were not overcrowded and teachers who were not underpaid. They would be DOING something to get the 1.3 billion dollar surplus to those most-vulnerable in our population. But they will not AND YOU KNOW IT.

We must push back. If this situation existed with the Democrats in power, I would not align with democrats. But the democrats are NOT doing this to Idaho. It is not the democrats. That is the message I want you to take with you today. This is NOT because of the democrats.

I think we have a lot to learn in what we share, and much less to learn by the things on what we disagree.

Do not feed the trolls. Do not engage with them. When they go low, WE go high.

My goal is to focus on the areas that concern most of us and to move forward in unity with my colleagues- with dignity and professionalism.

We are better together.

How can you help us be in a position to help you:

WE HAVE 97 days

Let US put a yard sign in your yard. It will give your neighbors courage.

Host a gathering so that WE can talk to your friends and neighbors. Donate to OUR campaigns. This request is incredibly urgent. The extremists put tons of money into the campaigns of their favorite candidates. WE are NOT their favorites.

Please request an absentee ballot and when it arrives fill it out as soon as you get it and return it. Like and share my posts on social media. Follow my colleagues and do the same for them.

Please vote for the democrats on your ticket- the candidates running are excellent. We are ALL working so hard to win your votes. Please encourage your loved ones to do the same thing.

DO not vote for anyone who is not working to earn it because they assume they don’t have to.

We are here for you. We want success for your children.

We need to pull a KANSAS on IDAHO!