My professor, Barry Condron, taught about the pioneer neurons. These neurons are present very early in the developing animal- from roundworm to human. They are born and then send forward extensions from their cell body to establish a path from the site of their birth to their final destination resulting in a brain that is wired-up precisely.

Here is what is interesting though, about pioneer neurons: At some points they turn, at other points they move actively toward a source of chemical. At yet other places, this same chemical, is repulsive to the pioneer.

The little pioneer continues, onward, forward, minding the surroundings, paying attention to all the signs, signals and cues provided by the growing embryo which changes at a remarkable rate,

The pioneer neuron’s leading edge of its growth cone continuously samples and then responds to the environment until at last, it reaches its target, often a very long distance from its birth. Then it dies.

But all is not lost, later generations of neurons are able to follow the invisible (and poorly understood “tracks”) of the pioneers, reaching the target in remarkable time, following the “steps” of one which made the ultimate sacrifice to provide a plan, and easier way for later generations. The only thing the later generations have to do is follow the signs.

I precisely remember looking around the darkened classroom at my classmates to see if anyone else was as in awe as I was! NO! They weren’t, but I was inspired by the embryo just the same. That phenomenon STILL reaches me to my core.
Why? Its because of the potential.

I am Crystal Ivie. I am running for state representivie in District 14, for seat A. I realized you don’t know much at all about me, so tonight, I am here to tell you about myself and what I have to offer District 14 of Idaho.

I am not from here- but I am here to stay. I was born in Kansas. My parents were incredibly poor. I am the oldest of five children. I am also the only girl. I have two younger brothers who are young enough that I was regularly the one taking care of
them. To me, school was my only real escape from a lot of abuse, a volatile family, and a lack of warmth in the winter, and food. School was my safe place, and from a young age, my teachers often pulled me aside to tell me that I was special- my intellect stood out, my ability to catch on to a new subject, quick, and my potential for success in life, great. I am a person who wants to prove those who believe in me right. So, after a lot of things in life, my drive to keep working, keep moving forward, keep trying to accomplish my goals was driven by the echoes in my mind of every person who has cheered me on and believed in me.

My children’s lives in no way resemble the life that I had, and the lives that my brothers had growing up. The reason for that comes down to a drive to get as educated as possible, to always be willing to learn more and do better, and to put in the work that is required when hard things come up. In short, I have learned that we can do hard things. What is best about this is that there are a lot of amazing people who have also done hard things.

Their stories inspire me, their friendship gives me reason to believe in the vision of making things better, and the future of my children and the children I have come to know keep me absolutely convinced that the hard work is worth it. I have been utterly gobsmacked at the idea that higher education should not be pursued because once a person is subjected to thoughts, ideas, culture outside their own that they change their philosophy to be more accepting, desirous of progress, and more invested in equality for all people. I say- that is a GREAT point, and people should keep making it.

There have been many instances in my life where I wanted to just give up, stop trying, and said “well, at least I tried,” but one thing that I have is a TENACITY to keep working, keep doing the things that bring me closer to my goals, and to strive for what it is that will make my life- and the lives of those I love- better. I have given it a lot of thought, and have looked inward to what has worked for me in the past to defy circumstances and rise above. I look toward pioneers.

What I am most compelled by is being a state that does not invest in its children at the level that it should. In addition, the outrageous burden of property taxes- especially to those who own their home outright but whose tax burden is excessive. Also, the preferential treatment of the wealthy and busineses on the backs of the less wealthy, and downright underserved, and disadvantaged populations. Dr Amos Wilson said, “If you want to understand any problem in America, you need to look at who profits from that problem, not to suffers from that problem.” Amen

The intentional bullying of teachers, scientists, physicians, librarians, Child Protective Services, those with autoimmune disease, parents who want to keep their infants or young children alive and trans populations speaks loudly to my soul.

The predation allowed on those who need to rent their homes. The refusal to allow women to make choices in regard to their own bodies. The financial incentives given to perpetrators of sexual crimes that result in unwanted pregnancy. A system by which, petulant behavior is not dissuaded in any fashion, and that excuses bad behavior that is even celebrated to the tune of liberal donations of large sums of cash.

I am tired of hearing things like “Conservatives who believe in Faith, Freedom and Family” and here is why. Language matters.
What is being conserved?

Faith is seeing light in your heart when all your eyes see is darkness” this is a quote by Barbara Johnson. I agree with that. No faction has the monopoly on faith. Freedom is freedom for all people- freedom to have your hair that grows out of your head to not be considered controversial, freedom to vote despite your work hours, or ability to drive. Freedom for all people, not just those who look like you and have the same opinions as you.

Family is those who love you and build you up with and without common ancestry. Pro life? Family Values? Show me. I am in the community volunteering 30 hours a week of my time to offer high quality STEM education to underserved and disadvantaged children. Those who claim pro-life and pro-family loudest: are. Not. there.

So, will raise the American flag as a patriot.

I will see your faith, freedom, and family and also raise you a “TRUTH, TENACITY and TIME”

Truth based on reliable information- lies should NEVER win an election.

Tenacity to get back up, learn to do better and keep working for those who believe in me

And Time: the one most-precious thing that I can give to you. That is what I promise to you.

Often, politics in Idaho has made me angry, but I think Brene Brown is right when she says about anger “great motivator, terrible life companion.” I am MOTIVATED to do something. I am here to step into the area, where I am likely to get my butt kicked. This arena is sacred ground to me. The arena has always been worth it.

In short, what I have seen is a lot of scenarios in our state that the trend has been to bully the most vulnerable in order to benefit the elite. I have been the target of bullies before, and what I can tell you, from my own personal experience is that the tactic is unacceptable and aimed at destroying a person’s self-worth. The reason why I think I have a chance in this race is that I know what many people, no matter if they consider themselves an R or D, Independent or unaffiliated are TIRED of seeing the bullying, of not listening to logic, of denying peer-reviewed, evidence-based trends… and those are the people I want to talk to. I am tired of division. I am tired of being constantly on-guard.

I want your help to meet people, to talk to them, and approach this race with logic, empathy and the love that has been poured out to me from people like you.

Here is to the pioneers of democracy in Idaho people like: Frank Church, Cecil Andrus, John Evans, Steve Berch, Ilana Rubel, Chris Matthias, Lauren Necochea, Phyllis King, and Ann Pasley-Stuart.

This is going to take a lot of cooperation and effort. I need your help to do it. Please consider supporting me- not only with your dollars, which my campaign needs, but also in getting conversations started over lunch, introduce me to those that can teach me, inspire me, help me to win Legislative seat 14-A.

Thank you